#ChristChurch Shooting

15th of March 2019. A terrorist walked into the ‘Masjid Al Noor’ mosque in Christchurch during Friday prayer, armed to the teeth with assault rifles, shotguns and military grade body armour. He also had a go-pro camera strapped to his ballistic helmet. He opened fire on innocent civilians and continued to shoot around 300 rounds of live ammunition into fleeing, crouched and incapacitated children, women, men  and elderly.

He live streamed the entire thing. The live stream started in his car a few miles away from the mosque. On the way he played a Serbian War song celebrated by the same ethno-religious war criminals that perpetuated a genocide on Bosnian Muslims in 1995. He live streamed himself shooting people unable to defend himself. He had 0 remorse. He wanted to incite fear and hatred.

He marched into a religious place of worship with a gun that had multiple ethnically, racially, religiously motivated markings. From dates like 1683, the Siege of Vienna to references to memes regurgitated by incels and stay at home keyboard racists on 4chan and 8chan.

Why is it so difficult to classify and generalise his background and religion? Why is it that the actions of a few can be generalised and applied to an entire population but when the context is Muslims or people of colour. Who is responsible for colonisation, WWI & WWII, the holocaust, the transatlantic lave trade, the depletion of Native Americans from the Americas, the horrors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the million dead in Iraq. It is deplorable that the media is trying to paint him as something disconnected from western civilisation, they call him an “Eco-Terrorist.” Anything. They would cling unto anything to disassociate him from Western  Christian civilisation.

Just the experience of colonialism is enough a reason to expose what the white christian world gave humanity. Was colonialism not justified through Christianity? Did the Kings, Queens, and their thugs not have the blessings of the Church? Were there no priests, missionaries preaching that the native Americans “ought” to convert before they be killed so that their “souls might be saved.” Colonialism was not just a physical reality that ended when the West realised it was no longer economically feasible to actively maintain colonies. Colonialism was a breakdown of social, culture, religious identities. The “othering” of people in their own lands. The alienation of generations upon generations from their own lands and their people.

How dare a 5ft4 inbred Anglo-Saxon cuckold dare preach about protecting his homeland, his culture, and his identity by murdering civilians in New Zealand. When did his people become the natives of New Zealand? In his manifesto he justifies the killing of civilians as “They are no innocents in an invasion, all those who colonise other peoples lands share guilt.” When a Palestinian kid in Gaza picks up rocks to protest, IDF cowards shoot him and then call him a terrorist. In New Zealand a live shooter walks into a mosque and shoots civilians and the media refuses to call him for what he is. First it was “lone wolf” mentally unstable/unwell. Now they call these people fringe periphery names to distract us. Excuse me but what the f*ck is an ECO-Terrorist??? Someone who wants to preserve nature by shooting people? I read his contradiction filled intellectually deficient manifesto,and he does not even know what to classify himself as.
Muslims need to wake up. The media won’t do anything for them. The politicians will not do anything for them. As long as they are divided no one will do anything for them. There are many more like him. There are many who sympathise with this cold blooded coward. Many would take his place if they had the chance.

If you’re looking for some grand answer then this is not the place. This rant does not culminate into anything substantial or concrete. The best thing Muslims can do right now is to speak up. No more staying silent. If you see fascist CALL THEM OUT. Expose, ridicule and egg those morally deprived delinquents. Call THEM by what they are. If you see a Nazi call them what they are. Do not be afraid to expose and call out these people who wish nothing but harm. Most importantly be prepared to defend yourself. There were mostly able bodied men in that mosque. I understand everyone is scared and it takes real courage to run against a man armed with a gun but the Linwood incident is proof that it is not impossible.

The same shooter moved to another mosque, where he was chased away by a single brave man wielding nothing but a credit card machine. Abdul-Aziz, a 48 year old Muslim from Afghanistan risked his life and managed to drive the shooter away with his bare hands. He had no formal training, no firearms knowledge. He had the courage and the will. There are thousands out there like him. Muslims need to take it into their own hands to learn how to safely handle and use firearms and self-defence in case of a shooting.

New Zealand police was utterly useless. The Masjid Al-Noor is a 2.2km drive away from the Christchurch Central police station. By average response times that should be less than 10 minutes. The shooter had enough time to fire 300 rounds and drive around shooting people on the street before moving to another mosque. He was only caught over an hour or so later.

No one is gonna defend you. You must be able to defend yourself, your loved ones and your people. It’s way past time that we all know how to defend ourselves.

Go sign up for a martial arts class, go sign up for a self-defence course, go and learn how to fire and operate a firearm. Get on YouTube if nothing, and google what is the best way to deal with an active shooter. Lying down and covering your ears did not work.


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